And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased
Hebrews 13:16 NIV
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
1 PETER 4:10 NIV
You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:11 NIV
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Hello and Welcome to Freedom Gifts!

As a non-profit organization started by a visionary veteran who personally understands the fight, we are honored to offer support and resources to those who have bravely served our country and experienced military trauma from their service, especially  Sexual Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We know the road to recovery and freedom can be long and difficult, but we want you to know that you are not alone. Freedom Gifts is here to stand with you, providing compassionate care and support every step of the way.

At Freedom Gifts, we recognize all veterans’ unique challenges, that can affect not only them but families and support the community. We aim to create a safe and welcoming space where you can find hope, and support as you heal and move forward. We offer various services and resources, including peer support, counseling, and access to community service opportunities.

We understand that freedom comes at a great price and are committed to helping you reclaim your gift of freedom and well-being. We seek to be a ray of hope that breaks through the clouds, providing a pathway to healing and freedom.

We thank you for your service and sacrifice and are honored to stand with you on this journey. Please take a moment to explore our website and learn more about our services and how we can serve you and your family better.

Mission Statement

Helping Veterans and Service members, especially women, THRIVE. Including those suffering from PTSD, Military Sexual Trauma (MST), homelessness, suicidal ideation, and other mental health issues.

Our Vision

Helping veterans, especially, women to overcome trauma  experienced while serving gives them the freedom to thrive in life

Helping veterans, especially women, thrive in life.

Holiday Meal Sponsorship

Our Holiday Meal Sponsorship program aims to provide a special holiday meal primarily for veterans and their families who may be struggling financially or experiencing food insecurity.

Our Youtube Channel

Our Popular Causes

Holiday Meal Sponsorship

Bereavement/Grief Support

College Scholarship Fund

Funds Raised

Our Programs

Connect & Share Program:

Sharing our stories can be a powerful tool in overcoming the challenges of trauma, especially sexual PTSD. Connecting and supporting other female veterans or family members who have had similar experiences of trauma are vital. Whether you want to share your journey of overcoming challenges or simply connect with others who understand what you’ve been through, our Connect & Share offers a safe and supportive space to do so.

We use various ways to connect and share our stories through text, audio, video, and Zoom, an online platform. You can also interact with others by commenting on their stories, providing support, and sharing your own experiences with the goal of healing and transformation spiritually, emotionally, and physically in mind.

Care Package Program:

Every veteran knows that receiving military care packages can positively impact the well-being and morale of service members who risk their lives fighting for the gift of freedom. These packages can provide comfort, connection, and support during a challenging time and remind military personnel that they are appreciated and valued for their service to their country.

At Freedom Gifts, we seek to continue to offer this level of support even though their tour of duty has ended. We provide quarterly care packages designed to support our community’s predominately female veterans and their families. These care packages are carefully curated to include various items that promote self-care, spiritual inspiration, relaxation, healing, and well-being.

Collaborative Partners Program:

The military has a history of collaboration between other organizations, countries, and armed forces, which is essential for achieving common goals and addressing shared challenges. By working together, these groups can pool their resources and expertise and achieve more than they could when it comes to protecting freedom.

Here at Freedom Gifts, our Collaborative Partners Program is designed to bring together like-minded organizations and individuals passionate about supporting female veterans and their families who have likely experienced military sexual trauma and PTSD. Through this program, we aim to build a strong network of support and collaboration, working together to positively impact the lives of those we serve.

Community Service Program:

Community service is an essential aspect of military service, and military personnel oftentimes look for ways to continue participating in various community service activities after their service. At Freedom Gifts, we aim to give back to our communities while promoting the values of service and camaraderie that are important to our organization. Giving back, we believe, is an excellent way to support and heal from trauma.

Our Community Service Program provides a range of initiatives and projects, including volunteer opportunities, assisting with disability, social security claims, fundraising events, and service projects in our local communities. These initiatives allow us to give back meaningfully while fostering a sense of purpose and belonging among our members.

Elevate your moments with our special Freedom gift box.

Embrace the spirit of giving with our thoughtful gift box, a small token of appreciation from our non-profit community to you. Each gift box is filled with heartfelt selections, symbolizing our shared commitment to making a difference together.

Hear from our Success Stories

I had been trying for disability for over 20 years. I had 3 different attorneys on 3 different occasions. Was denied each of those times. I tried to work but was let go several times because of my health. For the last 10 of those years, I had no income and was in and out of shelters. One day I was introduced to Freedom Gifts. I turned over all of my records from the attorneys to them. They took over from there and even assisted in paying my rent. They not only went to court with me, but they took me to court. I was finally approved. I will forever be grateful to them. If it weren't for Freedom Gifts, I don't know where I would be today. Thank you Freedom Gifts for all you do...


As a veteran I'm thankful for the relationship I have with this organization. Freedom Gifts has assisted me though some tough times. Both personally and financially. Understands my journey. Because we share the journey. To be free .

Avis US Army

"Freedom Gifts helped me out when no one else would."
"I had filed a disability claim with the VA for my knees, back, and feet, and I was denied, in 2015. After waiting 3 years and still not hearing anything I was contacted by Freedom Gifts and they assisted me in writing letters and getting information to back my claim, in 2018 I was awarded a court hearing in front of a judge and all my information was entered into my claim, in January of 2021 I won my claim and was awarded my disability. This would have never happened without the assistance of Freedom Gifts."
Freedom Gifts is a great organization, I highly recommend them.

Virginia Veteran

Ways the Gift of Freedom Keeps on Giving

News & Articles

Unveil the Hidden Signs of MST: Begin Your Journey to Understanding Today!

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